Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Last days....don't we hate endings? Well, it depends if endings are sweet or sorrowful. Sometimes endings don't go the way we intended. Yet we have to face it-all good things must come to an end! At St. Francis, we bid adieu to Joy Tham, who gave selflessly to help our students and staff feel comfortable and 'at home' in St. Francis. Joy, thankyou for your help and your presence. May your ending in St. Francis be pleasant and exciting beginnings in school and elsewhere. God Bless!

Monday, May 30, 2005

N.E.W. Days

What's new to you may be old to someone else; as someone once quoted,
its a new day somewhere else in the world! I would like to think of new as

  • N- needs.....it's always important to examine and ask yourself...what do I need to do today?
  • E- experience.......what do I need to experience that will teach me a value or something interesting about me?
  • W-worth........look for a worthy point, a reason to do something instrinctly valuable to add to somebody's life

Have a great day!

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Lazy Sundays.......no work.........no datelines....but you are already thinking about what to do tomorrow aren't you? Whatever happened to letting TODAY finish first? Why do we get so impatient with ourselves? Let's savor the day, cherish the moments with our families, and enjoy the time tucked away in our own seclusion. It's ok....PEACE