Saturday, May 03, 2008


We all anticipate a 'zen' moment in our lives; a moment of bliss, when the harsh reality of our world is superceded by a quiet realisation that there are pockets seclusion that we can run and hide in, away from the maddening crowd. We love weekends when we can escape to just be ourselves, don't have any responsibilities and just be free. Don't you feel like that most times?

I know I do! We need to create such pockets; even when it seems to difficult to accomplish we must try to slot in a 5 minute 'zen' moment in our lives. It's like a slotting ourselves into a recharger and getting filled up with a shot of energy to face the day ahead.

Waht can be your 'zen' moments?

  • a walk in the park near your home

  • playing with your pet for 5 minutes

  • listening to music on your iPOD

  • just getting up and having a nice glass of your favorite beverage

There are so many ways of just being revivied.

Try it today....

Zen on......