Friday, June 29, 2007

AnDreW- a care letter

Dear Andrew

Sometimes I feel this week has been a haze; one minute you were laughing and joking with me, the next, you are lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to a life support system with tubes running everywhere. How can this be? You are strong, resilient, yet now you lie in the critical care unit of the hospital. We wait with bated breath....will you be alright? All we have is a wing and a prayer....and each other. Yes, each other and God. Yes, God. We don't understand why this happened, but we want to move on to help you endure the rest of your earthly journey. You are precious, you are dear. That's why there is so much support. You are special, so special that God has his angels surrounding you, attending to you, keeping watch over you. You are His workmanship Andrew, don't forget that.... and we aren't going to forget you either. We love you and support you.
You are a dear friend....

Your Friend


if you are a friend of Andrew Tham, an ex-student from St. Hilda's Secondary School and are reading this and would like to comment, may i invite you to do so. Your prayers for his recovery would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

10 MiNuTeS tO BiRtH

As I'm writing this, I am counting down......when it strikes 12 mn, it would be my birthday. Birthdays.
Aren't they just numbers that increase annually? Aren't they the no of embarassing candles put on a cake that you need to blow out, but wait! make a wish first!
As the numbers of years increase, so do the lines of stress, the sag of the skin becomes more pronounced, the creak in the bones become louder...but wait! you're maturing!
Isn't that just another polite way to say "You're older"? You may become cynical, skeptical and at the same time forgetful why you do the things you do...but wait! you're still alive!
Spirit is willing, but the flesh isn't weak, it's comatose! I'm breathing, I'm walking, I'm feeling, I'm thinking....but wait! it's a miracle!
Yes, life is a miracle....and a miracle is about to be born....

Guess what?

We are all miracles!



Thursday, June 14, 2007


E everyone has emotions
M everyone needs to learn how to manage them
O others need to know how we would respond
T so take time to reflect first
I start with the 'I'
O then move to others in your immediate vicinity
N never negate their feelings
A acknowledge that we need a community perspective
L live a big picture perspective