Friday, December 16, 2005

FeeLS to Be LoVEd

what does it feel to be loved?
I observed an interesting interaction with a father and his son. The father was concerned that the son wouldn't make it academically because he had wasted away his time with mindless distractions. The son sat in a corner and the father poured his heart to me. I was observing the son's reaction and it wasn't at all positive. He had that pout, that defensive stance of arms folded across his chest as his dad spoke. Then something happened. The dad turned to his son and said, "Do you know how it feels to be loved? When you react the way you do, I feel hurt!" I could see the dad was moved and I could see a shift in the son's disposition. I believe he had never heard those words from his dad before.
When was the last time you told someone that they feel loved? Sometimes we get so absorbed in our own affairs we have little time to take into account the person next to us.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

CHaNGE's a puzzling word isn't it? On the one hand, we want to see it take it's rightful place but yet we are so cautious about accepting it wholeheartedly.

Change is POWERFUL. It has the ability to redefine paradigms, to redirect pathways, to realign lives. Yet it can also be used in a negative way. That is when change takes a self-centered approach, where no concern is given for the those affected, except the one instituting the change. That kind of change isn't helpful.

We need not only change that is POWERFUL but change that is POSITIVE. We need a change that betters the life around us, that enables the weak to rise, the humble to see their dreams come true. Let's make this season one of powerful positive change!


Sunday, December 04, 2005

PoP goes CuLTuRE

Pop denotes what ticks for youths of today......what is hot for music, what cinema shows youth run to watch or what arcade games sell out best with youth. Pop culture gives us a peek into the mind of the young today. Some people think pop culture isn't worth's just fads and raves; that may be true, but so were bobby socks, Elvis and Sinatra or Banarama or Packman! Pop culture represents what attracts, what enthuses youth and we should use it as bridge to build, not a bridge to burn. It is a bridge into their culture, their world. As much as we want youth to respect the older generation, we need to build bridges into their world and understand them first. When they see the attempt made, the the frustrated frowns will turn into smiles and the clenched fists will extend to a warm grasp of solidarity and friendship.


Friday, November 25, 2005

HoW BrOaD ArE YoUr ShOuLdErS?

I was at a shopping centre and it was packed with kids and their parents-school holidays have descended upon us! It is the Christmas season and shopping centres are trying their level best to pack in the crowds to ring in the times like these that I enjoy watching the crowd; and indeed you can derive valuable lessons from what you see. Like there was this time when this really cute boy who was desperately trying to get a view of a performance on stage but he couldn't. His father was standing away from him and this little boy ran to his dad and tugged at his dad's shirt...he wanted to see too! His dad smiled and hoisted the little fella up and his face just lit up with excitement.

So did my heart.

How many of us would 'pick up' our colleagues and allow them to enjoy the view we do? We would rather pick on them, dissuade them, ridicule them and leave them alone as we selfishly enjoy the view. We need more people to be hoisters; to offer assistance, a lending hand, an encouraging word. Are you volunteering? YES! I CAN SEE THE VIEW TOO! Thanks!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

AttiTUDE of GratiTUDE

Thanks.......Thank you.......

How often do we really stop and ask ourselves if we have realised the power of these words? In a world of urgency, we seem to be in too much of a hurry to even stop and say thank you.
Here's my thank you list:
  • Thank you to the foreign workers who tirelessly keep Singapore running smoothly
  • Thank you to the teachers of our schools for turning dreams into realities
  • Thank you care workers in our hospitals, our family care centers for providing support
  • I want to thank our defence and police for ensuring we are secure
  • I want to thank parents, grandparents for just being there when nobody seemed to care
  • I want to thank YOU for being just .......YOU!

Maybe you should wake up in the morning and make it a point to thank at least one person. Go on.....make that person's day....make your life count


Thursday, November 17, 2005

SEX ED 101

SEX....Yes, that word has power...
Power to drive men to the brink of unfulfilled desire and drink from the barrel of supressedlust
Power to lure virgin women away from rationality to explore these unfulfilled desires
Power to break up families that had developed bonds of trust
Power to cause confusion among the young, rushing them to grow up after a night of delirious passion
Power to corrupt.......
Power to speak in action, not just words
Power to reconcile lives that have been torn apart from mistakes of the past
Power to rebuild and reaffirm the word 'family'
Power to believe in oneself again
It's how we use it....whether we want to be good stewards or if we want to be irresponsible and be's our choice.....but it also determines the destiny of all


Thursday, November 03, 2005


I was watching with keen interest the two shows on CNA, "What Women Want.... Really" and "What Men Want..... Really" and I switched off the TV and scratched my head and asked this nagging question: "What do People Want......Really?"

Are they looking for the 7 deadly sins? Are they really looking for the cutest bachelors? Or are they just wanting to escape from reality and delve into fantasy?

What do people really want? I believe people are looking for 2 cardinal things in life: SECURITY and ACCEPTANCE. Both points interface to give a person a sense of belonging and hope for the journey ahead. We should have TV shows that promote these two cardinal points. TV is a powerful medium that can either hurt or enhance our lives.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


If you had the chance to choose an icon, what would you choose for yourself? An icon is a symbol that would best represent who we are. Some famous icons are political icons and religious icons. In marriage, the wedding ring is a powerful icon that symbolises continuity, completeness. What would I choose? Maybe a large ear, because it would reflect what I do on a regular basis....listen as a counselor. Maybe you would differentiate different icons for different segments of your life. Icons are simple yet powerful symbols we can use to remind us, to challenge us, to slow us down. What would you use for yourself?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

ThRu' ThE LeNs.... a klutz when it comes to cameras.........I guess the simpler they are the better for me. Yet, cameras are supposed to be 'idiot proof' these days...nice label don't you think? THere are 2 schools of thought....should the camera be made for the consumer or should the camera challenge the ability of the consumer? It's a tough question, but it has to be a balanced perspective. If I can utilize my camera and all its functions, I become a genius and a master of my apparatus. If I choose to not want to learn, and keep saying to myself, "You can't take good pictures", then I would never fully know the value of my apparatus. It's not a camera......its a tool. We are the users of this tool....we need to be responsible and knowledgable in using it.....So next time you see a camera, ask yourself....taking pictures or making masterpieces?


I love visiting Australia for many reasons...the food, the people, the scenery...YES! of course the scenery!! Who can forget the 12 Apostles or the beautiful Daintree forest or the majestic Uluru at its gloriest center? Yet, don't you hate those postcard shots of such famous places? They seem so limited in telling the story of granduer that Creation explodes before our eyes...I guess cameras can only capture a limited slice of grandeur.....but remember, its not the cameras but the person who takes the shots that we should address. How about using a wide angle lens? You get a better perspective, you get a sense of size, of do justice to the picture taken. Isn't life like a camera shot? We may be amateurs, not professionals, but we shouldn't hone in on the small slice....let's get the big picture into perspective and enjoy or understand the event in its proper position. It may take a little effort, but its worth the picture......

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Have you been to the Equinox at Raffles City? What a view...what an elevator too! Climbing isn't my cup of tea. Those of you who know me would know that I like to test technology and it's claims...especially elevators and escalators! Nonetheless, climbing isn't avoidable. Life is like that isn't it? We want slopes that lead down, because it's easy; but we cannot avoid the steeps that take effort and sweat. We sometimes don't climb because our level of expectation isn't there. We become contended with mediocre or we just don't feel confident that we can climb higher. The view will always be nicer the higher we climb. Point here is this: we need to put into action our thoughts. We need to put effort in what we say. Yet the effort results in a rich reward.....the view! Aim for that......yes?

Thursday, September 29, 2005


THe bathroom......some people call it their palce of solace; some people call it their place of refuge and solitude, where they can gather their thoughts. Functionally, its a place of relief! It may sound a little squirmy talking about the bathroom so openly, but its a noted fact-we need quiet places to relieve (sic) ourselves. We need to purge (pun intended) our lives regularly to get rid of the clutter of emotions and thoughts that may prevent us from thinking clearly. How often do you do that? The last thing we need is a constipated mind that isn't productive.......
Time to flush!!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Turning Messes into Messages

How do you feel about messes? Stupid question you may ask? Yet, its a pertinent question. How do we deal with messes? Most of us react to messes. When we encounter a mess, we get emotional, we react and explode. We don't have time to think, because we are thinking of how we are misrepresented, or misinterpreted in the mess. Its a ME-centred approach. That's why its a pertinent question. Society needs to move away from being ME centred to being US centred. When we start taking into consideration those around us and how they may inadvertently be hurt, then we would be more cautious in our processes and its outcomes. That's the message we need to convey. OTHERS DO MATTER, not just YOU!

Friday, September 23, 2005

aLiVE adMidsT StOrMs

We have been hearing alot about weather differences lately. It's seems so difficult to accurately predict the wrath of a hurricane, the damage it can do. We seem to be at the mercy of the forces of Nature. Nature seems to have taken an angry tone. Yet there are lessons we can always learn from these instances:
1. We cannot predict, but we can be prepared. That means we need to be proactive rather than reactive
2. We need to learn to be cooperative rather than stand alone. Now isn't the time for us to be self-centerd; when disasters come, EVERYONE, in some way or another is affected. Helping each other makes the day seem brighter.
3. As always, we learn from our mistakes. We aren't perfect, but we can learn from our mistakes and be better equipped for the future.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

BloGGers ethics

Bloggers beware!

It was a subject all bloggers were engrossed in; rascist remarks on the Net. "Why?"; "How dare they?" would be most people's response. Some may argue that its freedom of speech here that's been impinged upon. What's our response? It's important to remember that though the blogger is writing in a private capacity, he is using public space. It's a question of sensitivity and responsibility. Surely you would like to enjoy your picnic in the park, but you are also to keep in mind that its a public space where others can use. In our self-absorbed society, we forget the need to remember the implications involved in our actions. We need to have a big picture perspective...always.

Friday, September 02, 2005


It's been a while since I last blogged....but here I am.....

The surge of energy created by Channel U's runaway success, Project Superstar has got me wondering about how we view people these labels maketh the man? Sadly, it seems to be the view of many that just because you may not dance or because you are disabled or disadvantaged or handicapped in some way, you won't fit the brand 'superstar'. On the contrary, what makes a superstar is someone who manages to smile and make himself/herself fit into normality of life, in spite of difficulties or circumstances faced. They deserve to be lauded as Superstars...
Thanks Kelvin and you deserve it....shine on for the rest of us to follow

Friday, August 12, 2005


It's been a while since I last blogged. Did i have withdrawl symptoms? You bet! I don't know how many people actually stop and read what I share, but i felt really irresponsible for not doing my duty of writing this blog....even if it is totally voluntary!

Strange isn't it? This thing we call conscience. We wish for more of people in society to have a conscience of ownership, of responsibility, of justice. Imagine if we all set our consciences to high alert; this world would probably see a decline in vices and an increase in honesty, and integrity. Yet a conscience is only as good as how one uses it. If we choose to compromise and be complacent, it's voice is silenced.....

Monday, August 01, 2005

Little Black Book

Black Books. You know, the ones where darkest secrets are written.....real 'tell-me-all" stories are found? Ones that you keep hidden in the deepest drawer so no one can see? We all have one, physically or metaphorically speaking. Some of us actually keep such a book, others, keep a drawer in our mind all locked up with a huge NO TRESSPASSING sign firmly displayed. Really, what we write in there doesn't quite binds the secret to us...we and the secret become one. When we are so intertwined, the secret can become our reality. that's powerful but dangerous. Be careful what you put in your little black book...its black for a reason... or rather it should be red.....yes?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Why BLoG?

I guess now is a good time as any to pose this question. Bloggers have been in the news lately, with not so good reviews. Blogging is like an online diary, where we pen our thoughts and share ideas. The danger of it being online poses ethical and moral dilemmas for us all. We have to be sensitive in what we say, conduct ourselves in an appropriate manner, so as not to offend anyone. Yet, the realist will argue that we aren't allowed to be ourselves, expressing how we really feel. There is truth in that, but there is also a need for us to remember responsibility needs to be taken seriously too. That's the reason why my blog is deals with motivation and inspiration through a reflective process from a counseling perspective. If it helps, I'm happy. If it makes you think, I ponder with you. If it changes your perspective positively, I smile.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


Mornings.....what do they signify for us? Some of us dread mornings....we dread the unaccomplished from the previous day that now needs to be completed. We dread the relationships we need to face, the people we don't feel like saying 'hello' to; we dread the morning ritual of meetings, of targets, of........yes I could go on...but..we still wake up don't we? Especially when the sun tickles our eyelids and says "its a new day of life!" Haven't we forgotten? Mornings are testimonies that life is in us....we are......ALIVE!

Friday, July 22, 2005


A smile goes for miles! We don't smile enough these days. Maybe we do, at ourselves, a smirky smile that says I'm better than you; or we smile a seductive smile that says we can use you for ourselves? Smiles really tells us if your heart is smiling as well. Yup, a smile should come from the heart, not from the head. When we genuinely smile, all barriers are broken, bridges are restored, lives are mended. When we smile, we are spreading hope and happiness to a gloomy world. You don't have to follow the majority; don't scowl, don't despair.....sMILE!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Facing Ends

They say that all goods must come to an end. It's an interesting quip to analyze when it comes to death. Do we really want to end our dreams, our aspirations,our journey? Some may say it's a viable option if you are struggling, if you are in hardship. I disagree. I believe the suffering and hardships are more lessons than trials for us. We learn resilence, we learn patience, we learn inner strength that helps us travel the journey with confidence and determination. Yes, if our day's journey comes to an end, we have to realize that, our final resting place isn't in our control, but in the control of God.It's how we face an end that will determine if it will becoming a beginning for us.

Monday, July 11, 2005


depression.....notice the operative paranthesis is the word PRESS? its what depression presses us deeper into the muddle, the fog we have in our head. I remember, when I was in Queensland, I was caught on a boat with thick fog surrounding me; it was freaky, it was surreal. I really didn't know what was before me, or behind me, and i became conscious of my fears, my insecurities. Thats what depression pulls you in. But you have a CHOICE......sail persistantly on your desire to see your destination or be swallowed up....

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Let's play a game....try rearranging the word 'fear' into as many combinations as you can...ready? let's see.....'ear';'far'...that's it? ear and far.....quite interesting that ear and far are two words we have different reactions too these days....Well, fear isn't far from us...bombs in London, suicide bombers in Palestine, tsunamis in Asia; fear isn't far, its very near and very scary for many of us. What about the word 'ear'? It's what we hear too....there is fear in our words as well. Fear is everywhere. Yes it maybe, but we don't have to have fear...we can choose faith. Faith in our values, faith in our beliefs.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Where Am i In All Of This?

I heard a song many years ago that has stuck in my mind....and my heart. "My Place in this World" was a hit for its singer Micheal W Smith, but it asked a very pertinent question tht many people are asking today...where is MY place? In fact, the question today wouldn't so much center on our place, but is there going to to be one, knowing how uncertain life is? I am not God and I can't answer, but I know that what I do today has immense reprecussions on what I do tomorrow. I have learnt to take one day at a time, making each moment significant and relevant for my tomorrows. Relevant. Significant. That you are. Act upon it to make your tomorrow happen!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Have you ever worn a pair of spectacles with a different degree lens? Or maybe a pair that you probably wouldn't need? It changes the whole landscape of what you see..the depth, of how far, how wide.What does it take to understand another person? As a counselor, I question myself continually. Quite often people don't accept an understanding, but demand an understanding. Understanding doesn't mean you judge; it means you listen, you digest, you take time to emphatize with the other person. You actually walk in the other person's shoes for a while and get a feel of the shoe, of the gait. That's true understanding-because you are trying to gain another person's perception.

Friday, July 01, 2005


We all hate limits. Well, it depends on the how you perceive limits. Some people see limits as a good thing, because it highlights their inability to control themselves, others see limits as obsessive control. To be honest, we all need limits. Wait! Let me rephrase that: we need to RESPECT limits. Limits are needed, no matter what we may think. Limits help us to pause and reflect; why are they there for? What do we need to consider? What steps do we need to take? Next time, when you see a limit, don't vehemently discard it, or cling it without first using it as a mirror to look deep within yourself.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Have you heard about the blocked sink syndrome? It's quite a serious condition-we try to input in but we have blockages that prevent any knowledge gained from getting applied. It results in a slow and painful malady of hardness of heart and cynicism. We see life as a satire, not as a challenge to grow and develop as individuals. It's sad when that happens. How to unclog? Short of calling the plumber, we need to remove the debris that clutter our existence first. We need to apply the rule, prevention is better than cure, resistance only makes us sore!

Friday, June 24, 2005


Are you a dreamer? I guess, if I were to ask many people to answer, they would probably be a little defensive and think of it as an insult. Dreamers are seen as wasting or idling their time....but are they? I believe it's important to have dreams. Dreaming isn't counterproductive, but inspirational. Shouldn't we all be dreamers? It means we are forward looking, exploring possibilities. That's a productive person. We should encourage dreaming, because it helps us construct our future.....but we also need concrete plans to make that dream happen. So, go ahead and dream, but don't forget to have a plan as well.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Have you ever experienced that, "I think I've done that" or "I've been here before" experience? It can be a just an awkward second where you feel your mind is playing tricks with you. On the 20th of June, my birthday, I was at the hospital accompanying my mum for her check up. What was uncanny was that it was the same hospital where I was born 40 years ago to the day.

As I saw the many new borns being carried around by their radiant mums and proud dads, I had a deja vu experience; I was one of those babies! I was a bundle of joy to proud parents. I gave them joy, I gave them hope. I asked myself- am I still a person (no longer a bundle!) who brings joy to those around, and still possess hope to a share with those around? I hope so.....and for you too!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Fellowship of the Things

We decided to have a pot luck in the office. It was a novel idea...actually, necessity is the mother of invention! All the canteens are closed for the school holidays so we had to find alternative means to eat. I think it's so important to have a game plan for life. If Plan A doesn't work out, then Plan B might. The worse thing we can do is be reactive and not have a plan to follow through. The pot luck was great. It was a time of community bonding, where people from various departments came together over a common meal and interacted. What a wonderful start to the weekend!

Monday, June 13, 2005


I'm soon approaching 40. Many people have been congratulating me for reaching a milestone. Some have been reminding me that life begins at 40.My body tells me that 40 requires extra oiling, extra attention to details. My mind tells me, what was that? I can't remember. My spirit is telling me to simplify further. No matter what is being said to me, I know to embrace change can either be a struggle or be a gentle process of coping and adapting to the change. It is my choice. I can't change the mounting numbers, but I can learn to cope with the changes. I can either enjoy the change, and appreciate the beauty of change or be dismal and mope with strong regret. You know what? I take the challenge.......

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Being a channel

It was amazing. In just one night I had 2 encounters with 2 different cab drivers with different views. The first cab I went in was a lady driver who exclaimed excitedly,"thank you sir for picking my cab!" I was taken aback. Shouldn't I be thanking her instead? She was a Catholic and had just prayed for a passenger and I was an answer to that prayer. It's interesting-I became a catalyst for her faith and I was rewarded with an act of courtesy.
The second cab driver was a middle-aged man who was on the verge of divorcing his wife for 22 years. The whole journey was a filled with his anguish, his tale of woe. I felt sorry for him, and I just listened to him. He kept apologising for being so talkative, but I encouraged him. It's important to empty the channel, not build a dam to hold it in. Yes sometimes we flow vgorously, with clear water, and sometimes we get murky with stagnant water. But we can all choose to be channels of blessings, wherever it may be in a cab or on the street. Learn to be sensitive and listen. SELAH

Thursday, June 09, 2005


It was a crowded restaurant; people were anxious to get a table as lunch break was only for an hour. It was noisy, it was hot. What got my attention were the waiters and waitresses. They were cool and constantly apologetic. I was impressed with their sensitivity and I think in the midst of the bustle, people were willing to make exceptions. The power of apology. Saying sorry isn't a modern cultural norm-it's a sign of weaknesss to some;it's a sign of defeat to others. Apologies are powerful statements that don't put us down but raises us up to another level. Ther's no need to be apologetic about apologies! Practice it and you will find respect being given to you. Go on....give it a try.....

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


How well do we connect? Sometimes connecting isn't so much an issue of 'how' but an issue of 'why'. There could be many reasons why we do connect; for me connection is all about relating and developing those relationships. I can never do something on my own- I need input, I need ideas, I need people. I don't connect to make myself look good, but to make every one look better. I connect to pass knowledge, to share skills, to develop bonds. How do I connect will invariably stem from a reason. Developing people skills is so important for this to take place.
Yet there are moments when i need to disconnect, to rest, to pause, to recharge. I need to keep the balance of connecting and disconnecting in constant perspective. It is what spurs me on, it drives my goals, it infuses my quest.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Electric Avenue

Have you noticed how electricity really (pardon the pun) illuminates our lives? When we assume that it's there and suddenly its taken away from us we begin to panic? Or we really go listless and complain that "there's nothing much we can do?" That's the problem with dependency..we really seem so lost without it, we feel crippled. Think back, when light was a simple candle or a kerosene lamp, that really only filled up a small space that you strained to look into or read a book from. You couldn't take the light for granted could you? You treasured every minute of it's burning wick. Dependency leads us to complacency and also we take the luxury of light for granted...
May we never learn to assume; learn to appreciate it while you have it. Allow yourself to be taught and not just be fed....then we can go and spread the light to other places, because we ourselves were enlightened (oops!)

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Growing old isn't a pretty sight. Hearing stories about how the old and infirmed suffer to take one step, suffer to close the tap, and other simple tasks. It makes me wonder, why? Why do we have to grow old? Can't God take us away when we're just withering? But then I see the determination of these wonderful people, the simplicity of their lives, how each day is seen as a blessing from God.We take life so liberally; they take live as sacred. We become so complacent, they teach us contentment. God has a purpose for us in growing old-it's to teach the young how to cope and thrive. Thankyou for the valuable lessons I continue to learn. Most of all, thank YOU.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Parents Day

We had parents day today. I wonder if it was a day that parents looked forward too? Well maybe some. It could be an excellent opportunity for some parents to give their children "I told you I was right!" look, or the "didn't I warn you?" look. For some parents it might have been, "Oh no, not again!" groans. Whatever the anticipation, or the expectations, think about the student. Your response results in his/her reaction. If you were right about his performance, take it as a learning opportunity for you to bond with your child; If it was warning ignored, then take it as an opportunity to affirm your child that you still love him/her. If it was a mistake repeated, then remind yourself, "I am as human as my son/daughter." Once you have reminded yourself, then put your arms around him/her and say, "We can work on it together!"

Friday, June 03, 2005


Heroes? Superman? Batman? Wonder Woman? Spidey? They are superheroes, that fill our minds with amazement and wonder. They live in an unrealistic world, a world of fantasy where we can run and escape and hide behind their powers. Maybe we desire to have such power....but there is also a responsibility.
I prefer the mum or dad who sits on the bench with their kids, cheering them on during practice, or the dad who sits with his son all night, wiping down a high fever. I prefer a teacher who never thinks twice to stop and listen to a child's problem, or help a student understand their math or science. Or how about the little girl next door who baked cookies for the maid because it was her birthday? These are my real heroes..........they sacrificed, they gave their heart, they wore their heart on their sleeves.....may we all aspire to be heroes like that........ya?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Its a new month

Hey hey................i love June....maybe because its the middle of the year? It means I have made it this far.....and of course another 6 months to go. I guess perspectives are like that aren't they? We can choose to see it as "I've made it this far" or drearily think, "What! so much left?!" Perspectives affect our destination, our performance and most importantly, our attitudes. Let's use what we have accomplished, what we have been challenged with as stepping stones, as challenges that push us further, as we claim the promise of a future for ourselves.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Last days....don't we hate endings? Well, it depends if endings are sweet or sorrowful. Sometimes endings don't go the way we intended. Yet we have to face it-all good things must come to an end! At St. Francis, we bid adieu to Joy Tham, who gave selflessly to help our students and staff feel comfortable and 'at home' in St. Francis. Joy, thankyou for your help and your presence. May your ending in St. Francis be pleasant and exciting beginnings in school and elsewhere. God Bless!

Monday, May 30, 2005

N.E.W. Days

What's new to you may be old to someone else; as someone once quoted,
its a new day somewhere else in the world! I would like to think of new as

  • N-'s always important to examine and ask yourself...what do I need to do today?
  • E- experience.......what do I need to experience that will teach me a value or something interesting about me?
  • W-worth........look for a worthy point, a reason to do something instrinctly valuable to add to somebody's life

Have a great day!

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Lazy datelines....but you are already thinking about what to do tomorrow aren't you? Whatever happened to letting TODAY finish first? Why do we get so impatient with ourselves? Let's savor the day, cherish the moments with our families, and enjoy the time tucked away in our own seclusion. It's ok....PEACE