Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Why BLoG?

I guess now is a good time as any to pose this question. Bloggers have been in the news lately, with not so good reviews. Blogging is like an online diary, where we pen our thoughts and share ideas. The danger of it being online poses ethical and moral dilemmas for us all. We have to be sensitive in what we say, conduct ourselves in an appropriate manner, so as not to offend anyone. Yet, the realist will argue that we aren't allowed to be ourselves, expressing how we really feel. There is truth in that, but there is also a need for us to remember responsibility needs to be taken seriously too. That's the reason why my blog is generic...it deals with motivation and inspiration through a reflective process from a counseling perspective. If it helps, I'm happy. If it makes you think, I ponder with you. If it changes your perspective positively, I smile.

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