Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Why BLoG?

I guess now is a good time as any to pose this question. Bloggers have been in the news lately, with not so good reviews. Blogging is like an online diary, where we pen our thoughts and share ideas. The danger of it being online poses ethical and moral dilemmas for us all. We have to be sensitive in what we say, conduct ourselves in an appropriate manner, so as not to offend anyone. Yet, the realist will argue that we aren't allowed to be ourselves, expressing how we really feel. There is truth in that, but there is also a need for us to remember responsibility needs to be taken seriously too. That's the reason why my blog is generic...it deals with motivation and inspiration through a reflective process from a counseling perspective. If it helps, I'm happy. If it makes you think, I ponder with you. If it changes your perspective positively, I smile.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


Mornings.....what do they signify for us? Some of us dread mornings....we dread the unaccomplished from the previous day that now needs to be completed. We dread the relationships we need to face, the people we don't feel like saying 'hello' to; we dread the morning ritual of meetings, of targets, of........yes I could go on...but..we still wake up don't we? Especially when the sun tickles our eyelids and says "its a new day of life!" Haven't we forgotten? Mornings are testimonies that life is in us....we are......ALIVE!

Friday, July 22, 2005


A smile goes for miles! We don't smile enough these days. Maybe we do, at ourselves, a smirky smile that says I'm better than you; or we smile a seductive smile that says we can use you for ourselves? Smiles really tells us if your heart is smiling as well. Yup, a smile should come from the heart, not from the head. When we genuinely smile, all barriers are broken, bridges are restored, lives are mended. When we smile, we are spreading hope and happiness to a gloomy world. You don't have to follow the majority; don't scowl, don't despair.....sMILE!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Facing Ends

They say that all goods must come to an end. It's an interesting quip to analyze when it comes to death. Do we really want to end our dreams, our aspirations,our journey? Some may say it's a viable option if you are struggling, if you are in hardship. I disagree. I believe the suffering and hardships are more lessons than trials for us. We learn resilence, we learn patience, we learn inner strength that helps us travel the journey with confidence and determination. Yes, if our day's journey comes to an end, we have to realize that, our final resting place isn't in our control, but in the control of God.It's how we face an end that will determine if it will becoming a beginning for us.

Monday, July 11, 2005


depression.....notice the operative paranthesis is the word PRESS? its what depression does...it presses us deeper into the muddle, the fog we have in our head. I remember, when I was in Queensland, I was caught on a boat with thick fog surrounding me; it was freaky, it was surreal. I really didn't know what was before me, or behind me, and i became conscious of my fears, my insecurities. Thats what depression does.....it pulls you in. But you have a CHOICE......sail persistantly on your desire to see your destination or be swallowed up....

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Let's play a game....try rearranging the word 'fear' into as many combinations as you can...ready? let's see.....'ear';'far'...that's it? ear and far.....quite interesting that ear and far are two words we have different reactions too these days....Well, fear isn't far from us...bombs in London, suicide bombers in Palestine, tsunamis in Asia; fear isn't far, its very near and very scary for many of us. What about the word 'ear'? It's what we hear too....there is fear in our words as well. Fear is everywhere. Yes it maybe, but we don't have to have fear...we can choose faith. Faith in our values, faith in our beliefs.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Where Am i In All Of This?

I heard a song many years ago that has stuck in my mind....and my heart. "My Place in this World" was a hit for its singer Micheal W Smith, but it asked a very pertinent question tht many people are asking today...where is MY place? In fact, the question today wouldn't so much center on our place, but is there going to to be one, knowing how uncertain life is? I am not God and I can't answer, but I know that what I do today has immense reprecussions on what I do tomorrow. I have learnt to take one day at a time, making each moment significant and relevant for my tomorrows. Relevant. Significant. That you are. Act upon it to make your tomorrow happen!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Have you ever worn a pair of spectacles with a different degree lens? Or maybe a pair that you probably wouldn't need? It changes the whole landscape of what you see..the depth, of how far, how wide.What does it take to understand another person? As a counselor, I question myself continually. Quite often people don't accept an understanding, but demand an understanding. Understanding doesn't mean you judge; it means you listen, you digest, you take time to emphatize with the other person. You actually walk in the other person's shoes for a while and get a feel of the shoe, of the gait. That's true understanding-because you are trying to gain another person's perception.

Friday, July 01, 2005


We all hate limits. Well, it depends on the how you perceive limits. Some people see limits as a good thing, because it highlights their inability to control themselves, others see limits as obsessive control. To be honest, we all need limits. Wait! Let me rephrase that: we need to RESPECT limits. Limits are needed, no matter what we may think. Limits help us to pause and reflect; why are they there for? What do we need to consider? What steps do we need to take? Next time, when you see a limit, don't vehemently discard it, or cling it without first using it as a mirror to look deep within yourself.