Monday, June 27, 2005


Have you heard about the blocked sink syndrome? It's quite a serious condition-we try to input in but we have blockages that prevent any knowledge gained from getting applied. It results in a slow and painful malady of hardness of heart and cynicism. We see life as a satire, not as a challenge to grow and develop as individuals. It's sad when that happens. How to unclog? Short of calling the plumber, we need to remove the debris that clutter our existence first. We need to apply the rule, prevention is better than cure, resistance only makes us sore!

Friday, June 24, 2005


Are you a dreamer? I guess, if I were to ask many people to answer, they would probably be a little defensive and think of it as an insult. Dreamers are seen as wasting or idling their time....but are they? I believe it's important to have dreams. Dreaming isn't counterproductive, but inspirational. Shouldn't we all be dreamers? It means we are forward looking, exploring possibilities. That's a productive person. We should encourage dreaming, because it helps us construct our future.....but we also need concrete plans to make that dream happen. So, go ahead and dream, but don't forget to have a plan as well.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Have you ever experienced that, "I think I've done that" or "I've been here before" experience? It can be a just an awkward second where you feel your mind is playing tricks with you. On the 20th of June, my birthday, I was at the hospital accompanying my mum for her check up. What was uncanny was that it was the same hospital where I was born 40 years ago to the day.

As I saw the many new borns being carried around by their radiant mums and proud dads, I had a deja vu experience; I was one of those babies! I was a bundle of joy to proud parents. I gave them joy, I gave them hope. I asked myself- am I still a person (no longer a bundle!) who brings joy to those around, and still possess hope to a share with those around? I hope so.....and for you too!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Fellowship of the Things

We decided to have a pot luck in the office. It was a novel idea...actually, necessity is the mother of invention! All the canteens are closed for the school holidays so we had to find alternative means to eat. I think it's so important to have a game plan for life. If Plan A doesn't work out, then Plan B might. The worse thing we can do is be reactive and not have a plan to follow through. The pot luck was great. It was a time of community bonding, where people from various departments came together over a common meal and interacted. What a wonderful start to the weekend!

Monday, June 13, 2005


I'm soon approaching 40. Many people have been congratulating me for reaching a milestone. Some have been reminding me that life begins at 40.My body tells me that 40 requires extra oiling, extra attention to details. My mind tells me, what was that? I can't remember. My spirit is telling me to simplify further. No matter what is being said to me, I know to embrace change can either be a struggle or be a gentle process of coping and adapting to the change. It is my choice. I can't change the mounting numbers, but I can learn to cope with the changes. I can either enjoy the change, and appreciate the beauty of change or be dismal and mope with strong regret. You know what? I take the challenge.......

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Being a channel

It was amazing. In just one night I had 2 encounters with 2 different cab drivers with different views. The first cab I went in was a lady driver who exclaimed excitedly,"thank you sir for picking my cab!" I was taken aback. Shouldn't I be thanking her instead? She was a Catholic and had just prayed for a passenger and I was an answer to that prayer. It's interesting-I became a catalyst for her faith and I was rewarded with an act of courtesy.
The second cab driver was a middle-aged man who was on the verge of divorcing his wife for 22 years. The whole journey was a filled with his anguish, his tale of woe. I felt sorry for him, and I just listened to him. He kept apologising for being so talkative, but I encouraged him. It's important to empty the channel, not build a dam to hold it in. Yes sometimes we flow vgorously, with clear water, and sometimes we get murky with stagnant water. But we can all choose to be channels of blessings, wherever it may be in a cab or on the street. Learn to be sensitive and listen. SELAH

Thursday, June 09, 2005


It was a crowded restaurant; people were anxious to get a table as lunch break was only for an hour. It was noisy, it was hot. What got my attention were the waiters and waitresses. They were cool and constantly apologetic. I was impressed with their sensitivity and I think in the midst of the bustle, people were willing to make exceptions. The power of apology. Saying sorry isn't a modern cultural norm-it's a sign of weaknesss to some;it's a sign of defeat to others. Apologies are powerful statements that don't put us down but raises us up to another level. Ther's no need to be apologetic about apologies! Practice it and you will find respect being given to you. Go on....give it a try.....

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


How well do we connect? Sometimes connecting isn't so much an issue of 'how' but an issue of 'why'. There could be many reasons why we do connect; for me connection is all about relating and developing those relationships. I can never do something on my own- I need input, I need ideas, I need people. I don't connect to make myself look good, but to make every one look better. I connect to pass knowledge, to share skills, to develop bonds. How do I connect will invariably stem from a reason. Developing people skills is so important for this to take place.
Yet there are moments when i need to disconnect, to rest, to pause, to recharge. I need to keep the balance of connecting and disconnecting in constant perspective. It is what spurs me on, it drives my goals, it infuses my quest.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Electric Avenue

Have you noticed how electricity really (pardon the pun) illuminates our lives? When we assume that it's there and suddenly its taken away from us we begin to panic? Or we really go listless and complain that "there's nothing much we can do?" That's the problem with dependency..we really seem so lost without it, we feel crippled. Think back, when light was a simple candle or a kerosene lamp, that really only filled up a small space that you strained to look into or read a book from. You couldn't take the light for granted could you? You treasured every minute of it's burning wick. Dependency leads us to complacency and also we take the luxury of light for granted...
May we never learn to assume; learn to appreciate it while you have it. Allow yourself to be taught and not just be fed....then we can go and spread the light to other places, because we ourselves were enlightened (oops!)

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Growing old isn't a pretty sight. Hearing stories about how the old and infirmed suffer to take one step, suffer to close the tap, and other simple tasks. It makes me wonder, why? Why do we have to grow old? Can't God take us away when we're just withering? But then I see the determination of these wonderful people, the simplicity of their lives, how each day is seen as a blessing from God.We take life so liberally; they take live as sacred. We become so complacent, they teach us contentment. God has a purpose for us in growing old-it's to teach the young how to cope and thrive. Thankyou for the valuable lessons I continue to learn. Most of all, thank YOU.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Parents Day

We had parents day today. I wonder if it was a day that parents looked forward too? Well maybe some. It could be an excellent opportunity for some parents to give their children "I told you I was right!" look, or the "didn't I warn you?" look. For some parents it might have been, "Oh no, not again!" groans. Whatever the anticipation, or the expectations, think about the student. Your response results in his/her reaction. If you were right about his performance, take it as a learning opportunity for you to bond with your child; If it was warning ignored, then take it as an opportunity to affirm your child that you still love him/her. If it was a mistake repeated, then remind yourself, "I am as human as my son/daughter." Once you have reminded yourself, then put your arms around him/her and say, "We can work on it together!"

Friday, June 03, 2005


Heroes? Superman? Batman? Wonder Woman? Spidey? They are superheroes, that fill our minds with amazement and wonder. They live in an unrealistic world, a world of fantasy where we can run and escape and hide behind their powers. Maybe we desire to have such power....but there is also a responsibility.
I prefer the mum or dad who sits on the bench with their kids, cheering them on during practice, or the dad who sits with his son all night, wiping down a high fever. I prefer a teacher who never thinks twice to stop and listen to a child's problem, or help a student understand their math or science. Or how about the little girl next door who baked cookies for the maid because it was her birthday? These are my real heroes..........they sacrificed, they gave their heart, they wore their heart on their sleeves.....may we all aspire to be heroes like that........ya?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Its a new month

Hey hey................i love June....maybe because its the middle of the year? It means I have made it this far.....and of course another 6 months to go. I guess perspectives are like that aren't they? We can choose to see it as "I've made it this far" or drearily think, "What! so much left?!" Perspectives affect our destination, our performance and most importantly, our attitudes. Let's use what we have accomplished, what we have been challenged with as stepping stones, as challenges that push us further, as we claim the promise of a future for ourselves.