Monday, June 06, 2005

Electric Avenue

Have you noticed how electricity really (pardon the pun) illuminates our lives? When we assume that it's there and suddenly its taken away from us we begin to panic? Or we really go listless and complain that "there's nothing much we can do?" That's the problem with dependency..we really seem so lost without it, we feel crippled. Think back, when light was a simple candle or a kerosene lamp, that really only filled up a small space that you strained to look into or read a book from. You couldn't take the light for granted could you? You treasured every minute of it's burning wick. Dependency leads us to complacency and also we take the luxury of light for granted...
May we never learn to assume; learn to appreciate it while you have it. Allow yourself to be taught and not just be fed....then we can go and spread the light to other places, because we ourselves were enlightened (oops!)

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