Friday, November 25, 2005

HoW BrOaD ArE YoUr ShOuLdErS?

I was at a shopping centre and it was packed with kids and their parents-school holidays have descended upon us! It is the Christmas season and shopping centres are trying their level best to pack in the crowds to ring in the times like these that I enjoy watching the crowd; and indeed you can derive valuable lessons from what you see. Like there was this time when this really cute boy who was desperately trying to get a view of a performance on stage but he couldn't. His father was standing away from him and this little boy ran to his dad and tugged at his dad's shirt...he wanted to see too! His dad smiled and hoisted the little fella up and his face just lit up with excitement.

So did my heart.

How many of us would 'pick up' our colleagues and allow them to enjoy the view we do? We would rather pick on them, dissuade them, ridicule them and leave them alone as we selfishly enjoy the view. We need more people to be hoisters; to offer assistance, a lending hand, an encouraging word. Are you volunteering? YES! I CAN SEE THE VIEW TOO! Thanks!!

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