Tuesday, February 21, 2006

REturn TO normaLITY

Normal. Don't you hate that word? Maybe it's a word that is so hard for you to believe these days. Maybe the entire journey from home to office or school and back again isn't anything but normal! You switch on the TV and you see graphic images of abuse; you peek into the sports pages of your local newspaper and you see how sports has become a corrupted with misses and deals of dope addictions and money laundering, of business propositions and nothing about team work, team spirit or the game of fair play. You get into the car or take public transport and see selfishness raise it's ugly head, as we fight for seats, or deny seats to those who deserve it more....Normal? Yet when we lose our humanity and our capacity to care for those around us, we become to what is to the world as being considered normal. Yet we have the power to change this expected normality to become extraordinary citizens of earth. Not to conform...but to transform!

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