Wednesday, November 01, 2006

FRuiTS FroM tHe TreE

I love walking down the supermarket aisle and see the fresh variety of fruits available. In a world of concrete, it's my way of getting in touch with nature! It's amazing at the variety of fruits available. Different shapes, sizes, colors-a real smogasbord. Aren't communities like that? A smogasbord of different personalities and traits.
Unfortunately we may feel dejected when the more popular 'fruits' get picked and we get left on the shelf. Yet we shouldn't. We shouldn't look at popularity as an indication of goodness. We get so caught up with the fruit, that we forget that without the tree providing sustenance, we wouldn't be the fruits that we are! We derive our value from the tree of our origin. The values that are inculcated in us, infused in our lives from what we have learnt from our culture, our parents. We are all uniquely special. We carry that wherever we go and we shouldn't be afraid to allow that to exhibit itself and testify that we came from different trees.

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