Tuesday, January 30, 2007

GREET things

Sawasdi! A clasp of the hands and the warmth of a smile....the greetings you receive in Thailand are well known, but it's something we can learn from. Saluations sometimes seem a waste of time, especially when you know the person and the person knows you. Yet, a saluation given by the Thais or the Indians or any culture is something we need to import into our culture. That's exactly where it starts from-culture. If we have become a culture that values only output, rather than input, we're missing a lot. So, let's learn to GREET!

G = Give unconditionally
When we say "hi!" or "hello!" we shouldn't expect anything back in return. We give because we want to bless the other person, because we want to make the other feel special.

R = Relate fully
Don't just extend the hand, or give a faint smile; give it all you have got! make the person feel the warmth that comes from within in that handshake.

E = Extend hospitality
We can choose to just be salutory, or we can really make our welcome cozy like coming back to our own homes.

E = Engage eye contact
The eyes are the windows of the soul. We need to let the greeted know that they are not just passerbys but important individuals who share this journey with us

T = Touch the heart
Need I say more?


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