Saturday, July 14, 2007

LUck or yuCK?

Friday the may scare you, it may tickle you to scare some body you know. What's with this ominous date? In the first place is it really as bad as people say it is?
Well, to be honest, nothing happened to me on Friday the 13th; I didn't have any major catastrophe, or negative event happen to me.
I think I know why: because I didn't perceive the date as a threat. Every day in actual fact is a threat- we would never know what could hit us, metaphorically and literally. Yet if we live our day with purpose, with dignity, with focus and we apply an optimistic stance, chances are you're day would be rewarding- because you want to see it as such.
However, if we live our day suspiciously, cautiously then we limit the potential of living that day to the fullest. I know what you're can we be positive and optimistic with what is so bleak around us?
We can't change the scenario around us, but we can change the scenario inside our mind.
Give it a try, not just on Friday the 13th!

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