Thursday, September 13, 2007

Facing Fear with FEAR

That's a word that sends us scurrying into dark alleys, shivering with apprehension and wondering how we might actually free ourselves from its evil ensnarement. It's not just a word to many-it's a real threat that they face on a daily basis, where fear has already taken on the cloak of its darker cousin, paranoia. The threat of diseases that arrive at our doorsteps in ways we cannot fathom; the threat of anger resulting in violence and the killing of innocent lives. How do we deal with this? We can't be subliminal about it? We can't simply allow the word to float away. How do we deal with it?
F ace it. We know it stares us in the face. We know it rears its ugly head ever so often. Yet, we won't back down. We face it, because its there.
E mbrace hope. We have the antidote in hope. It's there, but we need to endure and perservere. Like the rainbow, it's only visible after the storm.
A rrest fear before it arrest us. Don't let it grip you and control you. You have a choice-exercise it now!
R each out for support. You don't have to face it alone. There are people who will come alongside you and be your cheer team, your embrace team. Don't push them away.

Face Fear with FEAR.


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