Saturday, February 16, 2008


These days, I'm hearing alot of people mention the words 'juggle' and 'balance' in a single sentence. It's normally accompanied with a sigh or a pursing of the lips, a sign of the hurried existence we face today. When you think about it, the two words just don't sit together. How do you maintain a balance in life with so many expectations to juggle, so many roles to fulfil, so many results to achieve? Or do they?
The two words bring me back to the circus arena, where as children (and even as adults), we would stand in awe of those jugglers who managed to walk a tightrope, keep their balance and yet juggle with ease. How could they do it?
  • Practice makes perfect. They kept at it, day after day, during their spare time, they honed their abilities. They knew that without the practice, no success.It was a focused objective, something we need to apply in today's demanding lifestyle where multi-tasking is the norm.
  • Do we need to be perfect? Yet we aren't looking for perfection per say; that is what our mind perceives we should achieve. Therefore, in the quest to strive for a perfect juggle, we may lose perspective and focus and hence lose our balance.

Life isn't about's about making the most of our limitations count!

What we need to really reflect upon is whether we have a balanced perspective on the life we lead today-or are we too ambitious and want to juggle too many things in such a short space of time?

Take time to look at what your juggling today-and don't forget to see how far the drop would be if you try too hard to please too many people and lose balance of your life..


1 comment:

*=Yvonne eLizaBeth=* said...

go the distance
stretch the limits

need faith and perseverance...