Monday, August 25, 2008

I was peasantly surprised to hear a childhood jingle,

the more we get together,together,together/the more we get together/the happier we'll be/for my friends are your friends/and your friends are my friends/the more we get together/the happier we'll be

being used as a McDonald's advertisemnt to promote the fastfood chain as the food sponsors for the Olympics 2008. it's a jingle of my childhood, but its a jingle that is so relevant not just to the spirit of the Games, but to the essence of life. it was refreshing because it brought me back to the need for a childlike coexistence, as when we were little children and didn't think twice about mixing with people of different creeds, color or status, so long as they wanted to play with us. What has happened to that innocence?

It has been eroded away with prejudice, by self-centeredness, fueling hatred and judgement and condoning condemnation and bigotry. Think about it, is that the legacy we want to leave to the next generation? I pray not. What we want to teach them is acceptance of each other, of forgiveness, of universal love. So next time you hear the jingle, don't just think of a Big Mac; think of the blessings of friends and how important they are to us, and we to them.


1 comment:

creature comfort said...

Agreed! its sad to see hatred, prejudice and bigotry..innocence is such a great thing..sometimes..however, God also does call us on to Christian maturity..and mature Christians are part of God's answer to the hatred, prejudice and bigotry in the world..

as for Macdonald's, killing off local culture in the name of "getting together" under a globalised blandness suits them just fine..those hypocrites..