Sunday, February 15, 2009

There is this fascinating movie called 'Doubt' that is currently been shown in our local cinemas. I was drawn to the movie because of three things: the fabulous Ms Meryl Streep(she brings the midas touch to any movie she stars in), the topic of abuse, especially in a religious setting and the title itself.

It's a fascinating movie, that centers on a very pressing question: can mankind be trusted, especially in positions of power and authority?

It's a question many are asking, be it in religious circles or political arenas. Whom can we trust? Betrayal, deceit, scandals are common topics we read about in the newspapers of the world, or watch unfolding on television screens in our living rooms. Self-preservation amidst the need to remain relevant, significant drives people to do dangerous things.

Can we be trusted? Can you be trusted?

It is a diffcult question to answer. Trust evolves from building a firm relationship. if there isn't trust, then that relationship doesn't exist. Are we loners in a race, or are we members of the relay team, with the responsibility of handing the baton to the next firmly etched in our minds, and carried firmly in our hands?

I can learn to trust you, but you must learn to also trust me.


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