Monday, July 13, 2009

Face the book or be twittered!

Have you got an account on Twitter? Have you opened up your soul on Facebook? Everybody's into twitter and facebooking(it's even become part of our language) When I read Animal Farm in my teens, I was terrified about 'Big Brother' following me....developing an Orwellian type of society was terrifying....but come to think of it, computers were cumbersome and not so readily available then; internet was military classified. How things have changed! here we live in a virtual world where connections of the fibre optics kind is essential.....Question I ask is......where is the heart in all of this? It is fun to have facebook and fun but laborious to be followed on twitter, but where does it really lead us to? Invasion of privacy or information overload? Where are the boundaries? Wait a minute....are there any boundaries any more? Technology is great to have in terms of efficiency and speed and time, but where is the heart in all of this...?
It is easy to blame the media, but we make our own choices when we have the options given to us. We choose to invite people into facebook; we choose to decide on what is twittered. Strange how the tables are now subtly turned around so that we need to exercise control....or not....
Maybe that is where the heart's in the conscience of our decisions....


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